Sunday, March 22, 2009

From needing some gum to needing a straw

Last week, I needed some gum; so, this week, I need a straw.

It started with the flu which was complicated by an impression of a "new right mid-lung platelike atelectasis". Over the phone, I heard "platelet at lactose". My rationalization of this condition was "freckled imperfections cause by milk intolerance".

Yes, curiosity about a small area of my lung collapsing got the best of me. The top Google hit says the condition "denotes collapsed areas of the lung that seem to have a linear or horizontal ("platelike" opacities or silhouette signs) appearance. When viewed from the side, they often look like a CD disk or a dinner plate."

I may not like to be late for dinner, but carrying around the plate to assure getting my portion seems to be taking this interest in food way to far!

Now, I know what is causing the hick-up like coughs. Not kewl! So, if you have a a free minute, can you grab a straw, blow away, and puff this misbehaving lung back-up for me, please?

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